Denver Cyber Security Solutions
K3 is dedicated to providing our clients with Denver Cyber Security Solutions needed to persistently monitor and manage security risk according to business needs. As industry leaders, we are consistently focused on research and product development, serving our clients better.
In business, data and people are your biggest assets. If data is compromised, unavailable, or placed in the wrong hands, your business can fade away in a matter of minutes. It is critical to define your strategy, identify threats and risks, deploy the right technologies, and ensure operational readiness.
To ensure your data is protected and prevent your systems from being compromised, here are some services we offer:
Here are a few ways Denver Cyber Security Solutions are essential for all businesses:
Security training for employees, including establishing best security practices and policies.
Computer viruses and phishing attacks have accounted for nearly 75% of ransomware and cyberattacks in recent surveys. Security awareness training can be one of the strongest defenses against phishing attacks. Random and basic training can quickly result in a 10-15% reduction in your risk of a breach. Moreover, consistent and targeted training can reduce your risk by as much as 45%. The Importance of Cybersecurity Training for Employees
Protecting information, computers, and networks from ransomware and cyberattacks.
Protecting your infrastructure and data can be complex, but it does not have to be. Our IT experts can quickly assess your environment for security gaps. Allowing us to implement solutions and services where appropriate to better protect your assets and information. Although there are best practices that we typically look to implement for all of our clients, there can be additional custom solutions tailored for your organization and environment to provide you with the most effective and comprehensive protection.
Protecting information, computers, and networks from ransomware and cyberattacks.
Protecting your infrastructure and data can be complex, but it does not have to be. Our IT experts can quickly assess your environment for security gaps. Allowing us to implement solutions and services where appropriate to better protect your assets and information. Although there are best practices that we typically look to implement for all of our clients, there can be additional custom solutions tailored for your organization and environment to provide you with the most effective and comprehensive protection.
IT Compliance Services
Ensuring your company is in compliance with regulations often requires outside expertise. Maintaining a strong IT security stance and complying with relevant regulations are separate, but often overlapping, activities.
Security Awareness Training
Security awareness training can be one of the strongest defenses against hackers and bad actors. Your users are typically the weakest link in your network security. They need to be trained and remain vigilant to protect your data and network. Random and basic security training can quickly result in a 10-15% reduction in your risk of a breach. Consistent and targeted training can reduce your risk by as much as 45%.
Email Security
Every company uses email regularly. More than 200 billion emails are sent every single day. It’s an essential part of day-to-day operations – which also means that it’s one of the most common IT security threats to your organization.
Office 365 Optimization
Optimizing Office 365 / Microsoft 365 security services is a top priority for businesses. You can’t rely on default settings to be the best option for your company and provide the level of protection you need. K3 offers IT leadership and support services so you can get the most out of your investment in Office 365 / Microsoft 365. (Microsoft changed the name of Office 365 to Microsoft 365, but we’ll use both names here since we know a lot of companies still call it Office 365.)
Multi-Factor Authentication
Identity theft is one of the most quickly growing cyber crimes – both for stealing personal information, and for accessing corporate databases. Nearly 60 million Americans have been affected by identity theft. It’s a threat to everyone, and one of the simplest and most efficient ways to prevent it is with Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA).
Chat With Our Executive Team About Our Services
Although the mentioned solutions and services can go a long way in protecting your assets, it would be in your organization’s best interest to assess your environment, policies, and practices to recommend the most effective steps in protecting YOUR environment. Again, there is not a one size fits all solution for security.
Above all, K3 Technology can help you develop an effective, holistic and practical approach to security. An approach that makes sense for your organization, ensuring that you are getting the most bang for your buck.